Autumn Solstice

"..because unlike the autumn leaves that fall carelessly unnoticed, each moment is worth remembering."


New Beginning :)

I just want to leave all that I have felt and experienced today to myself. Just one thing: God taught me that every new day is a chance to start anew. Every act is a choice and every choice is soul-driven. Therefore, be free. Live well. Strive to be happy. :)

PS here's the famous gangnam dance I shared with my nephew Dylan. Enjoy! :P

Post Midterm Blues

The midterm exam week is long over and mind you, I have felt the gravity of my efforts but the world is just so apathetic to feel it! Tsk. In short, it was not just enough. I knew almost all of my exam scores by the end of the the second day after the weekend and yea, I knew it! The days from the semi-final period towards the final exams will be the greatest battle I'm ever gonna have for the rest of my academic life. Swear. It's not just a battle of what to do but also what "not to do" during those days. It's amazing to know how I should perfect almost all of my quizzes to achieve my goal. I said to myself: "Let them break your heart, but never your spirit." And so the freaky yet awesome show must go on. :)

Before I leave, I wanna give you some of the few things I learned this Midterm exam week. This, so far, has been the most worth remembering thoughts for the four years of my academic experience in college. (in terms of Accounting subjects)

Keep your cool. Pressing "panic button" just before the test papers are given is one sure way to attract mental block-out. Try to calm yourself. After all, you're your best buddy and you know how to calm yourself far more than anyone else does.

Scan. By the time you receive your paper, try to make it a point to scan if you have all pages. Mind you, it will not only save you time waiting for a photocopy of your lacking page, it will also help you assess your pace in solving the problems.

Be nice. With that, I mean you should never ever argue with your thoughts or with your teacher or whoever made the exam (still in your thoughts of course). THAT IS A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME my dear! Trust me. Try to focus instead and you might find out later on that, that was exactly what the exam maker wanted you to do. Think. ;)

Never underestimate short and tricky questions. Understand every word and think before you leap. Know what is asked before pressing any of the digits on your calculator.

Inasmuch as you must maintain modesty in every problem, NEVER let any LONG, ARDUOUS AND  ALIEN problem steal optimism away from you. The moment you give up on a question is the moment you give up on yourself.

Read and follow the instructions VERY carefully. I lost every chance to perfect exams as well as every point to make me "just" pass, because I failed to follow instructions. Take it from me, never get too excited to answer. Also, don't panic when your teacher tells you to pass the papers and you still haven't written your final answers yet. Do it quick and accurately. Take your time. (HAHA.)

Review. Make it a point to have extra time to review. I know it's really not advisable to rush things while solving but mind you, it really pays off to have a second look on your computations. Most of the time, it's on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or nth view that you are able to comprehend better and see the bigger picture.

Pray. When you feel like you can never do it anymore, look up to Him and pray. He never fails.


My Last Midterm exams (yes, it shall be)

It's now 12:24am and I'm wide awake because I'm working on my Government Accounting requirement which will serve as my midterm exam. I am SERIOUSLY putting 100% of me on this and I hope I'll be able to pull this off. It's topsy-turvy but it looks better than my draft. :)

I have a busy week ahead and I'm looking forward for my day this weekend. God has never failed to give me things to look forward to (ya naaawww) :*

I'm Jhala, 19 going 20 and STILL in love with the life God is giving me!

Adios. <3