Autumn Solstice

"..because unlike the autumn leaves that fall carelessly unnoticed, each moment is worth remembering."


Te amo

Just so I could show you how much I love myself. Today is a gloomy day. I really need some love. :')

Vanity overload ~ CHECK THIS OUT:



I am so SOOOOOOOOOORRYYYY! I owe you so many entries! Like, the entry about my fantastic Camiguin vacation and how I spent my idle summer time watching action movies I missed and how I settled for the mall benches with a bunch of fries in my hand, while the other is busy texting! Missing those entries is so unthinkable of me! Today is the START of the review classes which will hopefully END well by October this year! Then I'll take the CPA  Board exam and wait for the results (>.<) and pray for the best and it is only by then I might have the free time to share to you what happened this summer.

OKAY. It sounds weird and I've got so much in mind and I KNOW and I am well-aware that the details won't be the same but I'm giving you my word now, that my subsequent entries will be fun-filled and will be written by heart. :3 TEHEEEEEE. :] trust me! ^.^

For now, I'm browsing my old pdf files in audit theory and I couldn't just imagine how I'll manage to read and absorb all of these, to think it's just one of the "eight" (8) subjects I have to master! And there's  this tempting wifi connection we have which causes my innocent fingers to browse through google and view the different profiles of my hollywood inspirations or log in to twitter or facebook....AAAAHH! :'(

So if you're with me now, please let me deal with this thing first (the review school). Okay? I may be able to post some short or medium-length entries from time to time during the course of the review, but let's save the summer entry for last okay? I mean, it should be DEAD-LENGTHY and super duper fun-filled so it will really require so much time!


I will be missing you so. 'Til then! Wish me focus and indomitable faith to believe and succeed! God bless! :)


Parang Joke Lang ;P

OKAY, so just give me the honor to post these photos. Appreciate what I'm doing while I can, okaaay?! HAHA. So I really don't know what this is, it's just that I think the perfect way to define "chocolate" to a blind man is to make him eat Goldilocks' Chocolate Cake and that I also believe that one of the best movies of all time is The Avengers and that I just discovered how to conservatively use make-up which is precisely some mascara, blush-on and lip gloss. ^.* ----which explains why this is "parang joke lang" entry. <3

The normal "freed-up" days..

Take a photo before you savagely own it :>

Own it :3

Dunno what this is..

OMG! I just watched the Avengers for the 2nd time@! <3 AAAAWWW :*

Nice knowing you, make-up! HAHA. :P